Can I track my order? Where is my tracking number?

Absolutely! We always want you in the loop. Tracking information will be sent to your email and via the Aftership app.

Shipping times depend on location and the product purchased. You can track your purchase by using the "track my order' link with your product number. If you are having any issues, please contact our support team.

Do you ship worldwide? Where do you ship from?

Yes, we ship worldwide to almost every country. There are a few exceptions of places we cannot ship to, in part due to shipping expenses.

We have multiple warehouses across Australia. In some cases, orders with multiple products may arrive separately, depending on the location of fulfillment.  

What are your shipping / processing times?

Orders are typically processed within 1-3 business days.

For delivery, please see specific products for details. Personalised products mat take a little longer.

How can I pay? Is my information protected?

We accept most credit cards and PayPal.

We adhere to highest industry standards in order to protect your personal information with the best security solutions. Your credit card information and personal details are encrypted during transmission using SSL (secure socket layer technology), which is widely used for processing payments safely.

What's your refund policy?

Our #1 goal is to make all of our customers satisfied with their purchase. If you would like to return or get a refund for any item, don't hesitate to contact us at the following email:

For more information about returns and refunds, view our Refund Policy page.

For any more questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact us right away. You can reach us via our Contact Us page

Can't find what you're looking for?

Send us an email to tell us what's up and someone from our Customer Service team will get back to you as soon as possible. Be sure to include your order number (if you have one).

Please email us at